Here at the Elizabeth Peabody House, our After-school program consists of a variety of activities that fall under the scope of STEM, social/emotional support, movement, media, and art. We partner with a variety of organizations in the Somerville area to strengthen our ties to the community, and provide your child(ren) with a wide range of programming opportunities. Join us this school year as we explore the deep depths of space, habitats on Earth, solve mysteries, learn about the environment, and how we can help our community! We at the Elizabeth Peabody House look forward to providing quality out-of-school time services to your child and working with you in being part of your child’s development and education.
Current rates are below:
Schedule | Rate |
Full Full Time (2:30 – 5:30 – 5 days/week) | $37/day |
Part Time (2:30-5:30 minimum of 2 days/week) | $42/day |
Holiday Full Day (F/T 5 days /week) | $60/day |
Part Time with Full Days (minimum of 2 days/week) | $65/day |

Students age 5 (and attending kindergarten) through age 12, currently attending school.
2:30pm – 5:30pm (Monday through Friday)
12pm – 5:30pm (Wednesday)
All families from Somerville and surrounding towns are able to join our after school programs.
Our After-school Director, Nita Doss, is happy to talk about the program and its offerings to potential families.
If you believe that the EPH After-school program is the right place for your child, please fill out the form below. Nita will review your form and contact you.