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Support the Elizabeth Peabody House

Families celebrated preschool graduation with a parade.

Make a Donation

The Elizabeth Peabody House is a certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As a small business, every donation is incredibly meaningful to us. 100% of any contribution you make goes directly to our programs, helping local children, families, and members of our community meet their full potential.

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When you shop using the link below, a portion of your purchase comes back to us. Remember to save the link to your bookmarks and use it every time you plan to shop on Amazon – this link is for EPH specifically, and you will be supporting us every time you use it. Thank you for thinking of us when you shop!

EPH sweatshirt

Buy EPH Merch

To celebrate our 125 years of serving local families, we’ve created merch for you to bring the spirit of the Elizabeth Peabody House to you! Click here for apparel, tote bags, and more.